Disabled young people & employment

Employment and disabled people: What employers need to knowThe University of Sheffield and the My Life My Choice Project share their insights with Youth Employment UK on how employers can better support young disabled people.

Recently, two of our Living Life to the Fullest Co-researchers Lucy Watts MBE and Sally Whitney have been undertaking some work with Youth Employment UK, an independent, not for profit social enterprise founded in 2012 to tackle youth unemployment. Disabled young people are far more likely to be unemployed and under-employed than non-disabled young people, and Youth Employment UK’s aim has been to explore this ‘disability employment gap’ alongside disabled young people.

Key Findings

  • Why is there a disability employment gap?
  • What does the law provide for?
  • What is the business case for employing disabled people?

In the YEUK webinar, three young people also share their experiences on the challenges of transitioning from education into employment. They explore what barriers they experienced, how they felt about their futures and what changed things for them in finding youth friendly employers and being able to see themselves as young professionals.

Check out the free webinar here to learn from disabled young people about their experiences of gaining and being in work.

Thanks to The University of Sheffield, My Life My Choice Project and Sunderland People First along with our three young interviewees, Sally, Paul and Matthew.

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